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Thursday, 7 November 2013


Renewed Google's chance to take advantage of their offers beautiful, especially for owners of blogs and websites, where you can work free announcement in Google AdWord worth 20$ and up to the value to 135$, all you have to choose one links offers below, then you register by entering your namefull, Email through which will reach a free coupon.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

10+ websites for free web hosting

Web Hosting is a very popular topic over the internet. If you want  to set up a new blog or website then you need to buy the web space from a web hosting company. There are huge number of websites are present which provides web hosting services at variable prices. but in this topic I will provide the list of those websites which provides web hosting absolutely free. You can host your blog, forum or website without paying a penny. If you want to start a new website or blog then  you can learn the basic things by setting up your demo blog or website on these free hosting sites and when you are good to go you can buy premium web hosting services.

free hosting websites


FreeHostingNoAds provides both free and premium hosting services. Its free hosting service provides following features.
  • 20 GB disk Space
  • 200 GB/month  bandwidth
  • Free sub domains
  • Free hosting
  • Auto script installer for wordpress, joomla, phpBB etc.
  • Free Website templates
  • cPanel for managing hosting account.
  • You can also use your own domain with this free hosting.


000webhost is another free web hosting provider. Along with free hosting they provides an amazing affiliate program by which you can earn good amount of money by referring to other people over internet. Features provided by 000webhost are as follows
  • 1500 MB disk space
  • 100 GB / month bandwidth
  • Free domain hosting.
  • Free php hosting
  • Free cPanel hosting
  • Free website builder.
  • Fantastico Auto installer
  • Website templates
  • Free hosting with MySQl


1freehosting provides free web hosting without any hidden charges.  Moreover they do not display their ads on their free hosting accounts. Features provided by 1freehosting are as follows.
  • Disk Space 10GB
  • Bandwidth 100GB/month
  • Unlimited Add-on Domains
  • 5 Email Accounts
  • 5 Databases
  • 5 FTP accounts
  • 5 Sub domains
  • cPanel
  • Website builder


Host1free is another free hosting provider over the internet. They also provides premium hosting services .You can use their free hosting services to host your blog, forum or websites. Their free hosting provides following features.
  • 2GB Disk Space
  • 10GB/month  Bandwidth
  • 5 Domain Names
  • 2 MySQL Databases
  • Community Support

How to improve your site SEO through Social Media – 3 Basic Steps

To get your desired traffic you have to do a lot of SEO for your website. By this means you can get traffic from search engines only. What else you can do? You can create an identity of your website on social media like Facebook, twitter and YouTube etc. As we know that almost everybody has an account on every social networking website. So the click rate is much more than the search engines. Social media traffic is much more reliable because the link is exposed to many people by sharing the content, rather than to wait for somebody who will search the desired keyword and land into your website.
SEO Cycle Vector
I am going to tell you the three basic steps by which you can identify your site on social media sites and get traffic from them. Following information will let you take the advantage of social traffic and social media presence.
Step One: Spread your Social shares everywhere:-
There is a book called ‘Search Engine Watch’ written by Eric Enge. He wrote that the social shares are called ‘noisy signals’. These social noisy signals include twitter’s Re tweet, Google’s ‘+1’ and Facebook’s likes. The SERPs (Search engines results page) doesn’t depend on the social signals, if it would then there would be a biggest jeopardy of buying and selling social networking pages. It still doesn’t mean that social traffic doesn’t worth it. You will get social traffic and search traffic from different path. Eric was trying to tell that there is a difference between them; they can never be the same.
As a survey there is roughly half of the US on the Facebook, there is 4.8% of the other active user on the social site. According to Eric, the SERP is dependent on the small level of population making social noise. So only small level corporations can get benefit from social media.
Step Two: Get more audience; More Likes, Followers and Subscribers:-
Until now you must have realized that how much powerful is social networking for your website. It is also a part of SEO, to get recognized on these social sites. You might be thinking that it is pretty obvious that you have to get audience to show your content but the question is how will you get the audience? The answer is simple, follow the first step. Trust me whenever you will start sharing your content through a page on Facebook. It will get exposed and if your content is good then people will subscribe and share. That’s how you will get subscribers. It will take some time but you have to be more active on these social websites.

Step Three: Engage with your Page Followers:-
You see sharing is simple but it doesn’t guarantee that people will open that link or not. So here is what you have to do. Just engage will your followers or subscribers. Sometimes people think that the post is automatically generated and is shared by some bots, so they don’t open it until you make them realize and convert them into a real follower. They will recognize your page and will wait for your posts. So be active with your followers, it is the most important thing to do.
It is not a hard work, it is a fun work. To be on social media page, remember that people need an anchor. Never ever demand anything from them like ‘likes’ or ‘shares’. This kind of relationship needs some time to develop. If you are good at this then one thing is guaranteed that you will put a great impact on the SEO of your website.

Blog benefits for SEO – Why does Google love Blogs

Google loves blogs. The main idea behind it is that people usually update original content and that blog is referred by some highly ranked websites. Usually authors have a blog and they write their articles on some high ranked websites. Basically a blog is a portfolio of an author or a contributor. So Google gives preference to them and that’s why blogs have high ranking. So here are the following facts about why search engines love blogging.
-          Crawling links: - Mostly the blogging software gives a simple structure of URL’s. It is not much complicated as other coded websites. That’s why it is easy for the search engines to enlist their search queries. Mostly the crawlers and spiders of search engines are coded in a way that they get the blog links faster and accurately. It has no auto generated permalinks. CMS sites have this disadvantage that they provide a numbered series of permalinks because of the security but they don’t know that Google doesn’t like it. It needs content links and those links should be more visible. The crawlers are coded in that way, so you can’t change it.
-          Magnetic inbound links: - As there are many plugins, extensions and widgets for blogs. So it is easy to manage your blog for SEO. The blog is reliable in a way it makes backlinks and inbound links automatically. There are some social plugins that automatically generates the number of shares and can create numerous social signals. The best thing about a blog is that it allows you to share Text, Image and Video content. Search engines love media content. As we know that this media content is unique and people mostly search for media content. Also there are a lot of blog that are too old and still have interesting information. Mostly people create blogs as their biography or portfolio. It contains more valuable content rather than those websites whom those people are writing on. These blogs have a content based on people’s experience.
-          Unique Content: – There are a lot of RSS subscribers on blog rather than the websites, we know why? It is only because of the unique content. If you are writing a fresh content on daily basis, then you are on Google’s list. It is not only about the fresh content but also you should update your website frequently. The keywords you use should be unique and high ranked.  Your article depends on the trend of keywords, so you better find some of the best and high paying keywords. Also don’t use those keywords in your article more than 4 or 5 times. It devalues your article and people will get bored of the stuff you will write. More important, try to create a sitemap and update it every day. Again there is and advantage of a blog that you can install a plugin that will automatically send files to search engine, every time you update your website.
-          Socially active community: – Your subscribers play the most important role. If you write good content and become active with them through commenting, they will rate your article. Also they will not only share your content link on other social site but also on some media forums. It plays an important role. The best thing is that you will be more visible on the web. This feature is not only for blog, it is also for CMS websites. Blog has one more feature that you can create visible backlinks. Blog play a role of forum community. Now a days people are more active on blogs rather than forums or websites.

10 Things To Do after Creating a Website

Most People do create blogs and websites using WordPress, but they usually forgot themost important things which they have to do after installing WordPress.

WordPress is a very well known CMS and it has many Plugins and themes which may be premium or not, but mostly plugins are free. After Installation of WordPress you must have to do the Following things:

1. Delete The Default WordPress Posts:

After installation of the WordPress CMS, you always find some default posts and plugins which are installed already to guide the users. There are 1 posts, 1 page and 1 comment, which have been already made by WordPress to Guide there users, after the new installation.
You have to do is:
  • Go to the post menu from the left menu and delete that post.
  • Go to the pages menu and delete the Sample page.
  • Go to the comments and delete the Sample comment.

2. Change Your Admin Password:

Sometimes WordPress promotes it’s default password, which is ‘pass’ or ‘admin’. So you have to change your admin password and Admin name, which will help you to secure your WordPress website.

3. Edit permalinks:

Permalinks are the links which are given to your posts and pages, and this helps alot in SEO, so this is very important to change your permalink. Permalinks which are default are very unfriendly with the search engines. To do that you have to do is:
  • Go to the Settings>permalinks.
  • Under the ‘common section’ choose ‘custom structure’.
  • Enter %postname% in the bar. if you want some other then you may select by your own.

4. Upload your custom theme:

Default WordPress theme doesn’t gives a professional look to your blog, so you must have to change the default WordPress theme by any of your custom theme.
Now, How to upload and install custom theme?
  • Download a theme or design your own
  • Unzip and upload it to wp-content > themes
  • Activate it via Appearance > Themes (then just click on your theme)

5. Add your categories and change the default:

When you install WordPress the default category is ‘Uncategorized’ and this just looks ugly. Assume at some point you’re going to post an article and forget to select a category – what would you want that post to come under by default? I tend to use News or something general like that.
  1. Go to Posts > Categories
  2. Click on ‘Uncategorized’ to edit it – change it to ‘News‘ or similar
  3. Add your other blog categories

6. Activate Akismet:

Akismet is an Default WordPress plugin, which you should activate if you want your website spam free. Akismet blocks spam comments.
How to Activate Akisment?
  1. Go to the Plugins page in the admin area and activate Akismet
  2. To complete Akismet activation, WordPress requires an API key. You can get this by registering on then viewing your profile.
  3. Now go to Plugins > Akismet Configuration, and paste in your key.
7. Install Google XML sitemaps :
Google XML Sitemaps is very good sitemap plugin, which helps alot in creating sitemaps for your website and submitting it to search engines. you might be thinking what does it do, Actually it automatically posts your sitemaps to the Google webmaster, which help in indexing your website to the Google search engine.
Please Check out Best SEO plugins.
Here’s how it will works:
Go to Google Webmaster Central and log in with your Google Account. On the first page, there will be a link to “Verify” your site. Follow the instructions there.
Once that’s done, you can then click the “Add Sitemap” link from the first page and put in the URL to your sitemap, which will be

8. Install any backup Tool for your Website:

Installing Backup tool prevent from any data loss, even your website was hacked. Mostly people recommend WordPress Database backup, which is a good backup tool and it backup all your database and put is in the safe place or will e-mail you.
Click here for WordPress Database Backup plugin,

9. Add your Feeds to Feedburner:

First edit your RSS settings. Settings > Reading and you can edit how many posts you want to show in your RSS feed and whether they should show the full post or not.
Now you want to burn your feed with Feedburner. Feedburner will provide you with stats on your feeds and automatically ping services so your new content is updated immediately along with a whole host of other services.
Once you have signed up to Feedburner, change your feed subscription link in your theme. Place the following code between the head tags.
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Feed Title" href="YOUR FEEDBURNER URL" />

10. Add and Activate Analytic:

Analytic play an important role in create a website or blog, because it tells about the visitors of your website and Helps alot with the SEO. I recommend Google Analytics. Other good analytic services available include Mint and StatCounter

Monday, 21 October 2013



I wrote a previous blog post about How To Add Related Posts Widget To Blogger With Thumbnails.We already know the importance of the widget, but in this tutorial I'll show you the best related posts widget to your blog , If you want to add this widget to your blog please follow me:


Did you search about the price of your website or blog?, If you do not ; today you will try that, offers you this service for free, And You can knowing the level of your site if you are thinking of selling in the future.
The Website:


Many bloggers and maybe you were looking at a way to add the comments box below your posts in Blogger, so I say to you in this tutorial we will learn create that through the very easy steps:

Customize Read More Link In Blogger

5 ways to customize read more link in blogger

In this post we will explain how to customize the default read more link in blogger blogs to give it a beautiful and stylish look. Read more link is available below each and every post summary. We can open full post by clicking that read more link. The default read more link in blogger is very ugly but the good thing is that it can be easily customized by using CSS code. In this post there are 5 different designs  provided for customizing the read more link in blogger.

Customize read more link in blogger




There are many blogs that used a small rectangle to search in the blog, but the form of plain does not attract attention to him, especially visitors, many visitors and even when I was browsing through some websites and blogs do not pay attention to the rectangle for research, so these boxes for research are colorful and all tastes.

So followed me this explanation is a simple way:

To begin using this new gadget, go to Layout> and click "Add a Gadget" and
select HTML/JavaScript


Blogger launches officially This is a wonderful very important gadget for any blogger,If your blog visitors need any help or suggestion regarding your posts or articles, they will try to contact with you.


Exclusive content is usually under the eyes of thieves, who steal these posts and articles without permission or even the source said, so I've written this post to stop this process.

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